lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010


TV has been always considered as one of the most strongest medias and it's true that still nowadays it is so.

In my personal opinion but TV is probably going to die in the next years.
Of course this won't happen from today to tomorrow, but day by day the medias are growing more and bit by bit the TV supply is starting to be seen as limited.

The TV watcher is constantly fighting with several limitations, like for example the small offer of channels: If you want a bigger number of channels, you'll need to pay for a solution which contains more channels.

Another huge limitation is reflected in the programming, where the watcher is the one who has to be adapted to the TV's timetables, meaning here is that maybe when you have time to watch TV there's no possibility to see that program that interests you just because of the time.
It happens also that each time more is more difficult to find some interesting program because unfortunately the biggest part of the current TV programming could be defined as mediocre and vulgar...

All this generates that at the end you as a TV consumer are going to waist your time watching those programs that doesn't interests you at times that aren't going well for you.
Definitely from my point of view the worst limitation that we can find on TV's supply is the exagerated ammount of advertising, what probably contains a 40% of the display time of the watcher...Thus it's almost unavoidable to take into account that this kind of TV that we have nowadays isn't going have any future.

It is more tempting for the consumer to search for a movie,serie or whatever through internet in new medias just because with this method you have the chance to adapt the programming and all what you want to see to your personal timetable.
This is the reason why right now projects like “Google TV” are in process, because it's obviusly that although internet is supplying an easier way to watch that what you want and when you want, sitting in front of a PC isn't so comfortable than the fact of watching TV on the couch...
So, the best that it could happen is that in a few years people can enjoy of the perfect combination of internet&TV!